Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Leo: OMG Lil kim's black friday is here!!! There are some great parts, and not so great part, but hopefully she has experimenter all what she needed, so we can get the Queen Bee back again!

But man , there are some banging songs :D


Leo: Another one of my friends had a birthday party, we went day, had fun, danced and I had a little booze, some more than others xD

I also played a little with my dad's wifes son, he has no creativity xD
But I had fun making these:


Leo: Whent over to see my friend play handball, she played really good! And her team won! She was nervus, but she was great on the field! After that my friend Olek and I went out and saw the eagle, it was pretty okay ^^


Søs: Its hard to draw in Paint, without a mosue -.-

Leo: YAY somebody else posted something today xD
But had talk with my boss, need to sleep more and I was moved to another departmen,t and that was great! Finally soemthing new again, so I am looking forward, yet the talk maybe me bitter... To much talk about my habbits.Frogs from word

I also had a great chat with PEter today, and this is where we saw this broken egg :(

Also maybe my avatar, in REAL LIFE!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Leo: Today it is another surprise birthday :D
But I had forgotten the gift at my friend, so went over to my friend, took it, went over to the city, where we waited at the "Grønne Hjørne", while she came just expecting a quite dinner with her friend :D
Man was she surprise; the food was okay, but DAMM I ATE TOO MUCH! Stomach hurts!


Leo: After I moved out and went over to my dad, My room lost all personality. The room hasn’t had any personality since, not even when the kid took over. It is not like my place at my mom at much either, but after they complete took over at my dad, and things just changed really quickly, I took the time and really made it my own. And hey I really like my place now, it looks great :D

Søs: "hey Vivi, se den kæmpe bakke derhenne, lad og kravle op af den" tja, det var da sjovt... udover hundene bare løb op og ned mens mig og min søster kæmpede for at komme op. Den er altså meget mere stejl end på billedet, og jeg tabte hele tiden mine bukser... og så fordi vi grinte var jeg ved at falde ned et par gange også XD

Friday, March 25, 2011


Leo: Went to work again. Come home early again. So here I am again xD

My grandpa used to make a lot of these before he kinda gave up on life and became a jerk...

He must have lost his crib, usual the Pikachu has black eyes, man that one look creepy!

But I miss my old grandpa, he was funny and kind, and did NOT care for what people said about him.
The last one is still true dough.
Søs: Chili concane... á la Mig... Smager beder når min søster laver det.


Leo: Aw old memories, and used to write old these emo things on these wall and accidental punch holes in them too, here is one of them I made, that never got prepared :D

Good times!

Stil sick btw, stayed home today.


Leo: So I am sick! Went to word but at to return quickly, I drink and I drink lots of water, but I can't seem to get enough. Always thirty, not feeling that good, so I got my old room at my father. It is funny how little of it resembles my old room, and yet how much it just feels like mine.


Leo: Went over to my friend discussing over trip to Greece, that is going to be a ball of excitement, and then I walked with a heavy and big suitcase over to my dad, talk over an hour. And I can't keep my hand still long enough for long exposure shots.

My voice is worse, I sound like a crack whore.


Leo: The weather and the town was just beautiful,  bought gift for my friends today :D

Played some paper-RPG and it was AWESOME, seriously, it just got really good, and I love the story. It is world of darkness changelings :D


We played at my friend, and he has some REALLY cute rats. 


After that I went out and partied, my voice got a little sore, but hey, it is Saturday of course I am out and partying it up xD
Søs: Aften + kuglepen + mobil + træt = ding ding ding, Søs ligger sig ud med 3 d... eller noget...

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Leo: So tofay was my friend Phi birthday, we drank, went out and ate at bones and hit the town.

But there was SO many people! YOu couldn't do anything, there where no room for you. The night turned from good to lame, and lather at asian con it wasn't much better, there was no energi there.

But at one point in social, this guy was turning the crown up :D, he was cool

But i got some free egg rools from one of my colleagues, YUM :D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Leo: Playing the DS and not thinking about my future, can't say it was a smart day, I keep thinking I am too afraid of the future to enjoy the moment sometime.
Søs: Min veninde, Tine, skulle ud og ryge og så gik jeg med hende for at få noget frisk luft. Da vi kom derud så vi disse fodspor, jeg var sikker på det var en måge, men Tine troede mere det var en ørn eller noget. Indtil jeg fandt den her lille pind, som faktisk ligger på billedet... HAHA vi var flade af grin, vi havde bare diskuteret om de spor i 10 minutter XD


Leo: Meet some friends in the city, talked, and bought my friend a gift :D
The infamous green fairy ^^
Things are going to be fun :D


Leo: Spring has come!!! The sun makes me so happy, it didn't do that when I was younger, but I think that's because I associated it with some bad things.


Leo: Bought Dragon age 2 today! YAY, haven finished the firt one, but still!!!
I am so ready to kill stuff and having a sad and fun time while doing it!.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Leo: So today was another lazy day :D
Helped my sister with her Ipod and just relaxed! played some pokemon :3


Leo: Went over with some friends from school to see "Alle for én", et was nothing special, mediocre and okay at best, it had some great one liners, and some funny jokes, but everything was all you had seen before and I am sick of Danish dumb characters, that have no other personality than being dumb and kinda inbreed... 

My frind plays handball and she always get bruises like this!
Every single time! She is full of them.


Leo: First I went over to my friend Kirsten, and we got something to eat :D
It was the plan that we would be a lot more, but the other couldn't join us :(

Food looking good!

Then Amanuauil came, we made drinks, had a great time and alter went over to the city.

Here i met an old friend of my, from kindergarden, he have changed a lot, yet somethings was like before, I can't quite explain it. But he said I was one of the biggest inflyences of his life, that I was like a big brother to him and that he loved me. That was the seventh nicest thing somebody has ever told me, the first one being the speech my dad gave me after a meeting with my teachers in middle school. HE was a great experience to meet him again, and it really made the night special.

Oh, and we dance with a stripper pole, i feel the fist time, really emparencing, but the second time went well, and it is fun!

And look at this arm! the guy inly had hair rith there, the rest of the arm, was smooth, so was the other one!
 Søs: Hjemme hos Ninna, after party fra hendes 18 års fødselsdag tror jeg... bare med "banden", os 6 haha total hygge. Så Ninna spurgte mig om jeg ikke ville tegne på hendes skulder og det gjorde jeg da bare lige.
Og så skulle Trine da også lige have en :)


Leo: I went home from work, exhausted, and just chilled listening to music and playing black and white, I need more of these days :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Leo: Today it was jet another hard day, my colleague was still sick, and I got so tired of all the running around. But she is coming back tomorrow :D looking forward to it!

I was talking about it was sunny last day without a cloud? Today it snowed! That is the weather in Denmark, so unpredictable, today it was a great surprise :D

And was with my fried Peter today, talked a lot ^^
nice to spend some more time with him :)