Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Leo: So today was just bad... I fucked up at work, was so stressed because I had to leave early, yet still do everything like a normal day. So I messed up :S

 I went early to listening lecture on medicine, and it was kinda interesting, kinda. I don't know, there where parts I really liked, like the job as an doctor, but I don't think I find the material that interesting again. I don't find the body or patients that interesting yet, but maybe that will change. I am a man of science, and I have always been. Making science, making a change in the world would be better for me than being a doctor and only learning what you can from textbooks and not be a part of the research yourself. So I think in my heart I know the choice, but I am too scared to take risky carrier move, since the life of a doctor almost sounds perfect (almost! I know the bad parts of it, but I don't find them that hard to handle, the chances of fail is a lot less than being a scientist)
Søs: min mor og søster var helt ops på det der "høre en der taler og du slapper af" indtil min mor havde fundet den forkerte og han sagde, men stille vand sig "slap nu af i jeres kønsorganer" - haha de har ikke gjort det siden.

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