Monday, January 31, 2011

30. 01. 2011

Søs: I have no pic or nothing from yesterday. So this is a comment frommy facebook profil. I'm gonna update this in a week so you will understand why there stands "I'm board"....

Leo: Here i am trying to get some energy in my after the night, man was that a tough night in the end. But hey, totally worth it.  This was about 4 in the morning and I am in a Burger King drinking a soda from Mcdonalds.

 Ceci: and thus begins a whole week of project.... and what a nice start.... Why the hell can't people just leave me alone? I haven't done anything....

29. 01. 2011

Søs: My stick to my mobil - pc i gone, i can't find it.... so just listen:

Mozart, your sweet music ... i just love to hear it, suddenly i'm fully relaxed, i could hear it for hours.

Leo: I and the two awesome persons next to me went to Ålborg to party. There were many great moments that night :D

Ceci: okay so Vocaloid day!!! or something? Anyway I have watched this video non-stop all day and I love it!! The titel is Rolling girl! If you have some spare time the go chek it out!! BTW this is fanart of the PV

Friday, January 28, 2011

28. 01. 2011

Ceci: Today has been the uttermost crap day.... the worst I've had in a while. And just when things started to get better. This is my ridicules attempt to feel better….yaoi and pocky (yes you can actually buy that in Hobro)…Søs and Leo let’s emo together…..

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts….

Søs: PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!!! Its a long story why we are at this party, so i just shut up. :P.
But I came with good friends and ended up with some other good friends. (Tina og Majbritt) - it was super funny, we sing, danced and was goofing round... HAHA! best party ever. THANKS YOUR GUYS!!!! :D

Leo: Being only day long, have giving me time to do things I haven't done in a while, like reading webcomics and been on DA, so that was how I spent an entire day, and it was kinda nice. And yeah, still sick and I was not working today either.
Here are the physical webcomics I have bought. It was every penny worth.

27. 01. 2011

Ceci: So I finally got finished with the first…. Now to number two

Søs: So me and my mom was home and my mom made (fiske frikedeller) - Danish dish. ^^. IT TASTED SO GOOOOD! And the other pic, is just Orange... its how much i had ate on 2 days :P

Leo: So I am sick today, didn't do much other than sleep, and it is also the first time I haven't been working since I started. I have so far only not gone to school on weekends, chrismas and new year. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26. 01. 2011

Søs: Yep thats my driver licnes... or my pic, to MY driver licnes.... Also my feelings are a little bit out of hand this week / time... :(

Leo: I am still sick, and today I was also tired and a little sad, like every little thing really got to me today, I think it is lack of sleep. I also haven't has a day-off since I started to work, so I am staying home tomorrow, so I can sleep and get better. But to reflect my kinda emo day: BLAST FROM THE PAST. I had this my entire high school, calling it my anarchist pencil case (mit anarkistiske penalhus).Btw I miss my blue hair :(

Ceci: School, home….that’s it…. This is the most exiting thing that happened all day….

25. 01. 2011

Leo: My roam had to be clean up because of workers, who are going to be fixing some stuff in it tomorrow, so this is more clean than it is ever going to look, ever agian.

Søs: This day was great, we should meet at 09:50, and we should have Germen. BUT than there was this thing at my school I had forgotten, some kind of apprenticeship (læreplads ^^) - booths. Where you could go around and talk to them, get info and see if it was something for us.

But a friend and I was going around and took alot of candy, cuz they had that at every booth. :P But i also took some brochure.

Ceci: Waii! It’s really nice that I can watch this at school(although I took this picture at home)! Also my history teacher have been interested in it XD   

Monday, January 24, 2011

24. 01. 2011

Ceci: Okay so my computer has something against this site… >.< I’ll try to update as fast as I can! Anyway! Today have I been playing this new MMORPG!! It’s super fun…. Although I wished I had some friends I know IRL to play with~ (hint hint ;D)

Søs: Yes this is was I did today... Or it was ONE of the things i did today. Well the Wolf/dog/ demon - thing, is actully a old one, but i drawed shadows on it today + my Salg og service teacher thinks it was good drawed, so i am a little proud :3 :3

I know the Bull dont have legs but i just could'nt draw them :/ Maybe if i drawed it like a Centaur, maybe. :)

Leo: Not getting far in the project at all, I am getting lazy agian, but I can't stop just yet. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

23. 01. 2011

Leo: Just had a really nerdy day with Ana today, relieving old memories and trying hard to connect to the Internet xD Pokemon FTW

Søs: I clean my room today, i took me 3 hours... but with TV on, my new awesome radio on and computer then who can blame me. But anyway, for some minutes ago I had to find my bike lights (cykel lygter :P) and I only found one the red one, so i found a yellow/with one to, but its more like a flashlight, as you see. So my dad said i just could use an elastic band so i did, and it work. LISTEN TO ME IT IMPOTENT WITH LIGHTS : 2010 i took my bike to school, and cuz i don't have light on, a truck almost drived me over !!!!! TRUE STORY!!! - I was so damn scared after that.

But I found 61 kr around at my room, and I was totally healthy today I ate fruit.... Hehe but also a trøffel, hehe it tasted soooo goood.... :3

Ceci: I think I'm into an anime periode.... hmmm well I guess I always watch a lot of anime but it's been crazy lately!! Anyway, I saw Kuroshitsuji today (STFU Leo! if I want to call it it's wapanese name then let me!!! XD)

22. 01. 2011

Søs: Just listened to some music... It was a pretty good day :)

Leo: Ate some great Greek food with two of my friends from school xD. But damm I wans't thinking straight that day... Still sick.  

 Ceci: yay!! very bad humor day!!!... no seriously wtf?!?! Do you guys have days where the things you say, just for the lulz, turn out....bad? very bad... what the hell?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

21. 01. 2011

Søs: So i was with a friend today (Kenneth) and we saw Transformers 1 and 2 cuz it's a so danm awesome movie :D and then we saw some Twilight, and I was like totally tired so all the men in twilight was just hot... But Jasper and the vampiers "dad" is hot, danm they are just so hot hotti :3

But It was a funny night, movie night always funny. But could be funnier with my other friends (Trine, Ninna, Kenneth, Rasmus And the "new ones of the gang" Susanne and Dorthe).


Leo: Saw Due Date agian with some other friends, I find thsi movie funny, but not as good nor as funny as the hangover, still it is worth seeing, andi really like the friendship between the two main charecters.

 Ceci: so! organized my pictures on my computer today! It's crazy what kind of shit you'll find XD

Thursday, January 20, 2011

20. 01. 2011

Søs: Yes its Fable 3, I played it today. Evil way, I have played it good, I come through this game first time on 3 days :P
Well today, I had been lazy, or I actually took my bike to school, HAAAAARD!! But i have to do it from now on, here is no "bad weather" anymore. I'm actually just woke up, I fell asleep after dinner and slept well ;)

Then i didn't do so much els, YES! I hang out with my friends today, in there classroom, I always does that, we are not going in the same class anymore.....(I have friends in my class to, but I'm just really really really good friend with the other gang) ANYWAY one of the boys asked if I was finished with my driver license, and I said no cuz I'm having some problems with it. But it was the way he said it, and it mad me so mad. So when i came home my mom had a person at her work like him, and in our minds we wanted to kill them with a Baseball bat, a slow knife and a empty egg tray.... but that's all, it was a lot today WOW ^^

Leo: I am sick, a very close friend is angry at me, I am pissed off at person from work, and I can't say I am sick and stay home, because my colleague is on vacation, so working tomorrow. Not the best day, the fact that he is angry at me is really making me sad :(

Edit: Found out that he wasn't mad at me the other day, he was just irritated that he couldn't get to me on the phone. 

 Ceci: Been on zerochan today.... ALL day....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

19. 01. 2011

Søs: Was down in the town :P With my mother today and bought this awesome guitar radio and a new book nr. 3 now I'm gonna read more ^^ It has been a super nice day today, and here is a link to a song I thinks is really damn awesome and also a series YOU have to watch it:
Try it :D

And also made a new novel today its named Cyborg. ^^

Have to say to my self when i read this post i the future, You actually used 900 kr in the town on the AWESOME guitar radio and the book ^^

Leo: I ate a meal with too good friends and saw a great movie, but of course I was late because I fell asleep right after work -.-. It was otherwise a very good dag and laughed a lot. I am also thinking more and more about becoming a doctor, which is kinda scary. Not the fact that I am going to be one, but the fact that I am almost a “real” adult. 

 Ceci: It's so quiet and pretty when I'm walking to school in the morning....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

18. 01. 2011

Søs: Shhh it is from school... Me and my friend (Tine) just sat and was during something, or nothing ^^....So she took this pic at me.

And i also made a new novel today it's named Angsten :)

And that's my Winter-cap...

Leo: Saw "Klovn" today, it was motherfucking funny, and I also meet a really cool guy, so a very good day, not sad at all as the picture show you :p just still feeling the movie.

Ceci: Okay so I have been thinking about a project we are starting at in school… we choose Liberalism and Communism… I hope I’ll get good grades for it…  

Monday, January 17, 2011

17. 01. 2011

Leo: You would think that ground ass people would be more mature than high scholars’, but life will surprise you. I hate it, when one person can ruin your otherwise perfect day because they are close-minded, egocentric, and bitter, also the fact that she is a racist bitch doesn't help either.

Søs: Yes, its Furry and yes, its yuri... I know her hand looks a little nasty, but you have to imagine its slow... its hard to draw that....
Anyway I just started to draw girls, so if they look kind a funny its cuz I'm only good at drawing boys  ^^

Ceci: YAY! Melonpan! And they actually tastes good… is this real life? BTW the recipe and a video to guide you through the baking process can be found here  CookingWithDog   

Sunday, January 16, 2011

16. 01. 2011

 Leo: Because of a hectic New Years Eve and work, new games and new projects getting in the way, I haven’t had time to think about 2011. It is going to be an interesting year, and I will properly start at a university and stop working. So a lot is gone to change, and I am gone to met a lot of new people, and try some new things. It is kinda scary to think about it, yet it makes me smile.

Søs: So I was nanny for my sisters 2 dogs Lilo and Stitch... And cuz I don't think i am laved to lay pics of her dogs in here I'm don't.... so i make a quick draw... its me and my mom and the 3 dogs. The big one is Lilo, the one after is Stitch and the little black is Bamse our dog...

Ceci: IT’S LEMON TIME!!!! …..yeah the truth is that I didn’t do much today…. Just sleep and play The Sims 3…

Saturday, January 15, 2011

15. 01. 2011

Søs: Feeling much better :D YEAH!!! Today i just hanged out with my family... My mom and I saw Monster-in-law and my dad came home from work so he sat down and saw it too, it was super nice...

 Leo: A fun late Christmas-party with the people from my old school (folkeskolen), a fun night indeed and nice to see people again after all this time, yet still click with them like we never left school. Nostalgia and looking at the future at the same time.

Ceci: SO! I was visiting my friend Helene today (with one of my other friends Signe) to convince her parents to let her go to Hefevent 13 in Herning! All went well and we are now Signe, Helene, Leo (yes that bastard are going as well XD), (maybe) Marie, (Maybe again) Emse and myself…  and that makes four girls + one guy + one gender confused  person!  Anyway! While we where at Helene’s I got her to draw me manga style! The drawing is so cute! XD!!!!1!111!one!!1 oh and I’m called Chibi by some of my friends…. Just so you know XD

Friday, January 14, 2011

14. 01. 2011

Ceci: Yes…House Of Night…. I’ve been hooked all day (and when I say day….then at least seven hours…..) since my friend took this book and shoved it up my face… I don’t know if I should call Zoey a Mary-sue or not…. Oh well….I’ll tell ya when I’m done reading it XD

Søs: Still sick, dammit... ANYWAY, there was no X-factor tonight, cuz of stupid handball.... (or what its called) So I sat in the living room with my mom and dad... Me and my mom read and my dad was doing some work, it was nice ^^

Leo: So really started of my pyramid project, don't know how big it is going to become, and how much space there is for it, but we will see.