Saturday, January 15, 2011

15. 01. 2011

Søs: Feeling much better :D YEAH!!! Today i just hanged out with my family... My mom and I saw Monster-in-law and my dad came home from work so he sat down and saw it too, it was super nice...

 Leo: A fun late Christmas-party with the people from my old school (folkeskolen), a fun night indeed and nice to see people again after all this time, yet still click with them like we never left school. Nostalgia and looking at the future at the same time.

Ceci: SO! I was visiting my friend Helene today (with one of my other friends Signe) to convince her parents to let her go to Hefevent 13 in Herning! All went well and we are now Signe, Helene, Leo (yes that bastard are going as well XD), (maybe) Marie, (Maybe again) Emse and myself…  and that makes four girls + one guy + one gender confused  person!  Anyway! While we where at Helene’s I got her to draw me manga style! The drawing is so cute! XD!!!!1!111!one!!1 oh and I’m called Chibi by some of my friends…. Just so you know XD

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