Wednesday, January 26, 2011

25. 01. 2011

Leo: My roam had to be clean up because of workers, who are going to be fixing some stuff in it tomorrow, so this is more clean than it is ever going to look, ever agian.

Søs: This day was great, we should meet at 09:50, and we should have Germen. BUT than there was this thing at my school I had forgotten, some kind of apprenticeship (læreplads ^^) - booths. Where you could go around and talk to them, get info and see if it was something for us.

But a friend and I was going around and took alot of candy, cuz they had that at every booth. :P But i also took some brochure.

Ceci: Waii! It’s really nice that I can watch this at school(although I took this picture at home)! Also my history teacher have been interested in it XD   

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